Facebook doing “reasonable job” for user privacy

BEIJING, June 4 — Online social networking service Facebook said it is doing a “reasonable job” of giving users control over their account privacy, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

At the Wall Street Journal’s All Things Digital conference Thursday, Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said his company has adopted a “people first” approach to the Internet.

Zuckerberg said the challenge his company faces is to strike a balance between personalizing websites while giving users control over how their information is shared across the Internet.

“Making these products that people can share and that people have control and that are simple to do both is this balance, and opt in versus opt out is one part of that balance,” he said.

Zuckerberg pledged to continue to make the “right changes” even if some of them might be considered controversial.

Facebook has come under scrutiny of privacy controls after some of its recent changes exposed more of its users’ personal information online. nbg_logo

On Xinhua Web site: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/sci/2010-06/04/c_13333530.htm

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