Monthly Archives: August 2010
Expedition to create hi-tech map of “Titanic” wreckage
BEIJING, Aug. 23 — A team of scientists set out from Canada Monday to create a detailed map of the wreckage of the Titanic. Setting out from St John’s, Newfoundland, the 30-member crew will spend more than 20 days at sea, … Continue reading
Steven Tyler confirmed to be newest “American Idol” judge
BEIJING, Aug. 19 — American rock band Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler has finalized a contract to become the newest judge on “American Idol,” according to media reports Thursday. Sources at FOX TV were quoted by E! Online as saying that … Continue reading
Apple manager pleads not guilty in kickbacks case
BEIJING, Aug. 17 — Apple Inc. global-supply manager Paul Devine pleaded not guilty to charges that he accepted kickbacks from Asian suppliers Monday. Devine, 37, was charged in a federal grand jury indictment last Wednesday with 23 counts of wire … Continue reading