Alaska Governor Sarah Palin waves to well-wishers while serving hot dogs at the annual Governor’s Picnic in Fairbanks, Alaska, July 26, 2009. ©Reuters
BEIJING, March 25 — Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor in the U.S., will show audiences around Alaska in a new Discovery Channel series, according to media reports Thursday.
She will star in role of tour guide in the new travel show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska.”
Reports say the show will center on interesting characters, traditions and attractions in the largest U.S. state.
The series is reported to have fetched more than 1 million U.S dollars per episode.
Analysts say Palin’s show is likely to attract viewers from her supporters and curious critics, as well as political observers watching for clues as to whether she will run for president in 2012.
Palin has not ruled out a bid for the top position at the White House after she failed in the 2008 campaign for U.S. vice-president.
A spokesman for Palin did not yet return requests for comment, and neither did the Discovery Channel.
On Xinhua Web site: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/entertainment/2010-03/25/c_13224845.htm