Microsoft to announce Office tie-up with Nokia: report

BEIJING, Aug. 12 — Microsoft Corp. and Nokia Corp. are to announce a deal in New York Wednesday morning, unveiling plans to make Microsoft’s Office suite of software available on Nokia cellphones, media reports said Wednesday.

The alliance between the world’s largest software company and the world’s biggest manufacturer of cellphones would help Microsoft play a broader role in mobile devices, as well as strengthen its Office business in competition with those free online applications provided by Google, Sun Microsystems and others.

Microsoft already produces a version of Office for cellphones running Windows Mobile, but there is also other software that allows users to open Office files on BlackBerrys and other devices.

Next year Microsoft will bring out the latest version of the Office product, Office 2010, including its first web-based version that allow users to access the applications online.

The announcement is to be made by Stephen Elop, president of Microsoft’s business division, and Kai Oistamo, executive vice president for Nokia’s devices unit. Microsoft has so far declined to comment on the report. nbg_logo

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